“The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” – Oxford
Thanksgiving is this week, November 28th, and I’m pretty excited. I love spending time with my family! We don’t do anything special. This year, we are going to go to Black Bear Diner for their Thanksgiving dinner. We have been going to Sizzler which is pretty good, but there are family members that 1) Want leftovers and 2) Don’t want to over eat! I have one suggestion for #2 –> Willpower! 🙂 I usually don’t exercise any kind of self control.
I’ve been checking out the Black Bear Diner menu and I will most likely get a hamburger, since I know I can get one with out salt and make it low sodium! Having to live with food restrictions puts a burden on family. I’m pretty thankful for my wife and her ability to make low sodium meals. She is able to salt her food and make it taste better.
I wanted to write a few things that I’m thankful for.
Family – As I mentioned above, I love my family and spending time with them! The older we get the lower the numbers get! My parents are both gone and my brothers do their own thing. We hang out with my in-laws and it is fun. We like to go to a movie after dinner and possibly do some shopping after. Black Friday…Thursday…Weekend. — It’s pretty much a joke, but I like going out! There are some good deals and I enjoy seeing the madness. I hope that I can spend more time with my family in the coming months. Making time to see them is my problem and I need to work on it.
Job – I am thankful for the Job that I have. The people I work with are awesome! They make going to work worth it. My job allows me to be creative and think of new ways to solve problems. The job can also be very stressful, but I’m thankful for the opportunity to grow.
Home – I am extremely thankful for the house we live in! It keeps us warm and safe. I’m thankful that I have a job to help us pay for it. We live in a great neighborhood and have awesome neighbors! They are what makes it great to live here.
Vehicles – I am thankful that I have something that can get me from point A to point B.
Health – My health isn’t the best, but I’m glad I can still be mobile and get around and do the things I want. Improving my health is something I need to work on. Hopefully I can keep up on it!
I have only listed a few of the things I’m thankful for, but there are many-many more! This list could go on for ever. There isn’t a day that goes by where I’m not grateful for many things. Being more verbal about the things I’m thankful for is one of my goals.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving week(end)!