Fourth of July
The Fourth of July weekend was pretty uneventful with the whole COVID-19. We went and visited my old neighborhood, My boss lives there, and they throw a party called “Cul-de-Sac of Fire” where they have a HUGE BBQ, Bounce Houses, Food Trucks, and Fireworks. There was a bit of a change this year, and they had Fireworks, 1 Food Truck, and Sno-Cone Shack..
We were a little nervous about going, so we picked up some food and ate it in the car and showed up for the Fireworks. We were very nervous about being there, but didn’t talk to hardly anyone. *crossing fingers*
The show was amazing! They had about $5k worth of Fireworks and they went off for almost 45 minutes. It was amazing! (See featured image)
Broken Phone
It’s been a very boring week, except for my phone. I try and go into work once a week to water the plants and check on the servers. This week, we had to do a bid for a new software product we are trying to get, so a few of us were meeting there for that. The lease of our building is almost up and we have a huge space for 6 guys. We are in the process of trying to clean up and find a new place. The fridge is full of food, which half of it is probably left over from people who have quit.
I wanted to take a picture of the food in the fridge, so people could claim their food. If they don’t we are going to dump it. I started taking a picture of the freezer and dropped my phone! It was totally slow motion…..I watched it fall and probably said a couple foul words! After picking up the phone and inspecting it, it looked like I got lucky. Unfortunately, the screen wouldn’t turn on! This is the time I realize, “I am addicted to my phone”.. Wait. I internally admit to the fact that I am addicted to my phone. The whole drive home, I mentally noted how I would miss my phone and the things I provides me. #addiction
Customer Support
I purchased the extended warranty on my phone, which states that It will cover accidental damages. Perfect right? Well.. Of course they need to trouble shoot the phone, because they DO NOT want to pay for it. After spending 30 minutes on the phone with someone she sent me to the claims department, with a claim ID. I thought I was golden. On my way to ordering a fixed phone…. “How would you like to pay for the Deductible?”.. I was sooo annoyed. Not once did the lady ask me for a “Claim ID!” I questioned her and she said I’d have to pay for the deductible. We ended the call, and another chat conversation was started with Google to try and resolve this confusion.
Second try
I was able to contact Google again and clarify that, I did not break the screen and there are no physical damage to the phone. They finally gave me approval to take the phone to the certified repair place (UBreakIFix, which I HIGHLY recommend. They are amazing!) — I dropped the phone off on Wednesday night, and went back in on Thursday at lunch and picked up my fixed phone for $0! The phone works great, but I’m super paranoid about dropping it again.
TemperPi Project
The TemperPi project (“Little Break“) has been working great, but it is in some need of updates. I checked the temperature in the server room last weekend and my jaw hit the floor! The temperature was resting around 72, so I was a little alarmed. For some reason, I have neglected checking the temperature lately, because it usually hovers around 63 or so. We turn the heat up when we aren’t there and apparently the whole building shuts down over the weekend. Our little AC is pumping away over the weekend to keep that room chilly. The building we are in was recently sold. The new owners must be trying to cut costs.